Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Back to school


Tomorrow I go back to school. It's the first day back for students here in the province and I'm lucky enough to be filling in for a teacher in the 4th grade. I haven't had a "first day" since I started teaching, so I'm quite excited.

The day will be filled with tiny children, smiles and new school supplies. There is nothing better than the first day of school.

In other news, I've been seeing a lot of great photos and links around the interwebs lately dealing with knitting, so I thought I'd try to do a weekly round up of these to share with you. This will be my first attempt.

  • Born in the 70s or 80s? You'll most likely remember the original Nintendo game system. Supposedly they meant to start a knitting revolution with a electronic knitting device. Move over Duck Hunt gun, I want to knit with this! 
  • This picture of the COOLEST BRO EVER has been circling twitter lately. I think we should be knitting buds. This also makes me want to move to a larger city again so I can be surrounded by knitters like him.

If you find any fun or interesting (or both!) articles about knitting in the social media sphere or the news, I'd love to hear about them so I can feature them next week. You can always email me at theruralknitter (at) gmail (dot) com.


  1. My husbands a big gamer and pointed out that knitting device news when it came out. OH my - how neat and retro would that have been?!

  2. It would have been amazing! I still might be using it. And it certainly would have made knitting more popular with men.
