Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Vintage pattern finds


All your positive thinking has paid off. Hurricane Leslie has left us unscathed here in my hometown and I couldn't be happier. I was lucky to have the day off work because of the storm and while Leslie was quite ferocious in the wee hours of the morning, by the time I awoke, the sun was shining. Thanks to all of you who sent positive thoughts our way. I like to think they really made a difference. 

On a different note, while my sister and I have were relaxing this afternoon, watching Modern Family, I decided to go through a stack of vintage patterns and magazines I was given by a fellow knitter some weeks ago. Oh boy, what fun I had! Most of them were from the 60s and 70s and I was in my glee seeing what was in style at that time. Especially amusing were the Canadiana themed jackets that I will share with you below. 

I think this pattern is especially awe-worthy. Who else thinks this was originally knit for Hitler? 

I want a sweater like this for myself so every week can be Shark Week.

Is there a correlation between Rockets and assault rifles? I didn't think so until now.

And finally, I leave you with the scariest knitted sweater ever created. I think Phil Dunphy would agree. I apologize if you wore something similar as a child.

For me, I'm going back into the pile. Hopefully I can find some more patterns to share with you tomorrow. 


  1. Hah, I would totally wear the zip-up with the seahorses.

    And yes ... I read your blog :P

    1. That's definitely my favorite of the bunch, next to the shark one. And yay for following the blog!!

  2. I had that clown sweater. I think my Mom knit it for me, but mine was green! I have to find a picture of me wearing it.

    1. Anne, I'd love to see a picture of that. I'm pretty sure I had a sweater like this as a kid too. Maybe that's where my fear of clowns started.

  3. These are so cool!!! I'm digging the zip-up with the thick collar!
